On the 15th March, Prime Minister, Boris Johnson announced new measures to be taken for Violence against Women and Girls (VAWG), after the murder of Sarah Everard. Ashiana Sheffield's CEO, Nicola Lambe, said
I was deeply saddened to hear the news of Sarah’s murder this month. The news sent shockwaves across the country and shone a light on the devastating issues that women and girls face every day.
As women, we often feel unsafe in day to day settings, yet sadly this feeling is ingrained; it’s ‘normal’ and second nature to us. It should not be normal for over half of our countries population to feel unsafe just walking home, as Sarah was doing.
The day following the news of Sarah’s death, Jess Phillips read out the names of all of the women murdered by men in the UK during 2020. The reading took over 5 minutes and included 118 women. The devastating news highlighted how society has just accepted the pandemic of violence against women and girls.
I have a daughter who is turning thirteen next month, the realisation of what she is just about to face and will do for the rest of her life, terrifies me and breaks my heart in equal measure. I cannot even begin to imagine the feelings and experiences of those that loved and cared for the wonderful women that we have lost.
We are working closely with women’s aid and many other organisations across the women’s sector to raise awareness and demand real and lasting change. Click to read our urgent letter to the Government!
As an organisation that supports women from Black, Asian, Minority Ethnic and Refugee (BAMER) communities, we recognise that the instances of violence, abuse and murder are a higher risk than ever with a disproportionate number of BAMER women and girls affected. There are even more barriers and risks that the women we support face every day and we will continue to work tirelessly to get them the safety that they deserve.
Whilst we fight, we will also continue to celebrate the achievements of the incredible women that we work with every day, and will do so in honour of those that have lost their lives to this devastating crime."
Nicola Lambe | Ashiana Sheffield CEO
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